28 October 2024Did you solve it?
23 November 2023Did you solve it?
4 May 2023Did you solve it?
9 November 2022Can you solve it?
9 November 2022Can you solve it?
8 November 2022Did you solve it?
25 May 2022The Chalkdust editors share some of their favourites
1 May 2021Discover the meaning of the coloured squares on the cover of issue 13
30 October 2020Scroggs debates whether sharing truly is caring
1 October 2020Did you solve it?
17 April 2020Matthew Scroggs sets the first puzzle. Can you solve it?
26 March 2020Did you solve it?
27 September 2019Did you solve it?
6 June 2019We have a go at the puzzles in Daniel Griller’s new book
14 March 2019Win £100 of Maths Gear goodies by solving our famously fiendish crossnumber
14 March 2019Find out more about the spiral trees on the cover of Issue 09
14 February 2019Did you solve it?
9 October 2018This month’s round up of mathematical blog posts from all over the internet
9 August 2018Did you solve it?
17 May 2018A thrilling review of this truly enlightening book
19 April 2018Have you been wondering what the pattern on it means?
23 February 2018"Unlocking the hidden mathematics in video games"
24 January 2018Did you solve it?
31 December 2017... and the winners
22 December 2017Can you solve four puzzles to reveal the hidden message?
11 December 2017Solve this and you could be the lucky winner of a signed copy of The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus
4 December 2017Solve this and you could be the lucky winner of a Chalkdust T-shirt
16 November 2017Chalkdust descends upon the UK's largest pop maths gathering and tells you what you missed
27 July 2017Did you win?
11 May 2017We have a go at the puzzles in Daniel Griller's new book
6 March 2017Read more about the fire-breathing curves that appear on the cover of issue 05
2 March 2017How many did you spot?
26 January 2017Are you a winner?
23 December 2016Behind today's door... a puzzle!
15 December 2016This year's Chalkdust puzzle Christmas card
12 December 2016Behind today's door... a puzzle!
6 December 2016Behind today's door... a puzzle!
2 December 2016Behind the second door of the advent calendar, there is a puzzle
10 November 2016Using modern technology to understand geometry
3 October 2016Warning: Contains SPOILERS!
18 August 2016Exploring the maths on offer at this year's UK hacker festival.
28 July 2016Are you a winner?
17 July 2016Were you a Choco Leibniz or a Fig Newton?
14 July 2016Can you solve these puzzles about differentiation and integration?
19 June 2016All the fun of our prize crossnumber, just smaller and without a prize
14 April 2016This month's round up of mathematical blog posts.
18 March 2016How many did you get right?
17 March 2016How many points could you have scored at our launch quiz?
13 March 2016The great contributions of the man who started popular mathematics
24 December 2015Something for you to solve during the post-Christmas lull
10 December 2015Are you a winner?
3 December 2015Making gingerbread Platonic solids, Fröbel stars and Christmas flexagons
5 November 2015Explaining the tautological Twitter bot
1 November 2015These solutions relate to puzzles found in Issue 02 of the magazine.
22 October 2015Where should you choose to take a conversion kick from?
8 October 2015What difference will an extra 10 balls make?
6 October 2015These puzzles appeared in Issue 02 of the magazine.
6 September 2015This page contains the answers to these puzzles.
3 September 2015While we work on issue 2
19 July 2015These are the answers to the puzzles which appeared in this blog post.
16 July 2015Impress your friends! As presented in our Talkdust show.
16 July 2015How to make Sudoku more interesting
11 June 2015If you enjoyed Hannah's sweets then you'll love these...
14 May 2015Pub ✕ maths = ?
30 April 2015We have some fantastic blog articles, and this is how we plan to publish them.
24 March 2015Matthew Scroggs spends too much time beating this arcade classic.