The cover of issue 11
The schools are shut, the universities closed, and the nation is in lockdown—what better time to publish a magazine? Save the date because we are publishing Chalkdust issue 11 at 9am on Friday 17 April. This issue includes all of your favourites like Dear Dirichlet, What’s hot and what’s not, and the crossnumber. There is also a smörgåsbord of articles to delight your mathematical senses, and of course terrible handcrafted maths puns, the like of which you can’t find anywhere else.
Due to current circumstances we will initially publish issue 11 online only: the articles will be available on the website, and (as usual) you will be able to read the whole magazine on issuu or download a PDF. We will be printing and distributing physical copies when circumstances allow.
For obvious reasons, we are not hosting our normal launch events. Instead we are having an online launch extravaganza. If you want to be the first to find out exactly what we have planned be sure to come back here at 9am on Friday 17 April (although the launch activities will be accessible throughout and even after launch day, so don’t panic if you’re a little late). We aren’t going to give away too many details here, but if you like puzzles, let’s just say that you’ve got more than just the crossnumber to look forward to!
To keep up to date with the latest information about the launch and what to look forward to in issue 11, be sure to follow us on Twitter @chalkdustmag.