Chalkdust Issue 2 coming soon! 06/10/15

Find out what’s going to be inside


We’re currently putting together the finishing touches of Chalkdust Issue 2.  It will be released on Tuesday 6th October. In the meantime, take a look below to find what you can expect in Issue 2, and find out about our exciting launch events!


The cover is based on a painting by Suman Vaze, and shows the construction of a triangle’s Fermat Point. Of course, you will be able to read all about this in Issue 2, along with plenty more exciting content:



  • Robert Smith? explains why the Jacobian is his favourite matrix.
  • Oliver Southwick tells us why warm water sometimes freezes faster than cold water.
  • David Colquhoun on why more discoveries are false than you thought.
  • Hugh Duncan introduces fractograms as a way of exploring patterns in fractions.
  • Artiom Fiodorov plays the prisoner’s dilemma against a clone of himself.


And to top it all off, we have an interview with a Fields Medallist, a new history column and a biography of John Nash. Plus we have the return of our exciting regulars…


regularsAll your favourite regulars will be back in Issue 2: we can’t wait for you to see the new Page Three Model, read Dirichlet’s answers to your agony and try to solve the second crossnumber.

Plus, there are some exciting new additions to the regulars, including the Chalkdust comic and How to Make…

Launch Events

Just like Issue 1, Issue 2 will be completely available for free online. If this isn’t enough for you and you want to hold a real paper copy of Chalkdust, there are a few places you can pick up a copy:

We will be holding a Talkdust event on Friday 16th October from 6:30pm at London Hackspace. This event will feature talks from some of the article authors and members of the Chalkdust team.

If you can’t make this, we will also be at London Maths Jam on Tuesday 20th October with copies to give away.

If you are at a school and university, and would like some copies of the magazine to distribute, please get in touch with us at

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