
We review the third of this year’s nominees for Book of the Year


Paulina Rowinska is a science writer and mathematician based in Warsaw, and has previously written for chalkdust. Mapmatics (Blackwell’s, Waterstones) is all about the mathematics of maps and how the maps we use shape how we view the world around us.




Mapmatics is a book looking at the mathematics behind the maps that allow us to interpret the world around us. Over 8 chapters Rowińska talks us through a range of problems that humans have wrestled with through the centuries from “how can we take a 3D globe and turn it into a 2D map?” to “how can we map the inside of our planet without actually going to the centre of the earth?”. And with each problem she takes us through the underlying mathematics.


Rowińska does a great job at explaining some rather complicated ideas while providing resources to go and learn more about certain subjects. However, we recommend having done at least secondary school mathematics to understand some of the more challenging material.


While Mapmatics does cover a few topics which you may have seen in other mathematics books there are plenty of mathematical ideas which will be new to you, especially when viewed through the lens of maps and geography.


I would highly recommend this engaging book that covers a huge variety of topics from earthquakes to animation. It will be of interest to anyone who likes to understand the intersection between maths and the world around them.


You can vote for your favourite book on the Book of the Year shortlist below. The winning book will be crowned the Chalkdust Readers’ Choice. Voting closes at midday (GMT) on Wednesday 26 February 2024.

What is your favourite book on the 2024 Book of the Year shortlist?

  • Mapmatics by Paulina Rowinska (46%, 26 Votes)
  • Love Triangle by Matt Parker (14%, 8 Votes)
  • Think Twice by Alex Bellos (11%, 6 Votes)
  • Maths 100 Ideas in 100 Words by Sam Hartburn, Ben Sparks & Katie Steckles (11%, 6 Votes)
  • The Art of Uncertainty by David Spiegelhalter (9%, 5 Votes)
  • Much Ado About Numbers by Rob Eastaway (7%, 4 Votes)
  • Everything Is Predictable by Tom Chivers (2%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 56

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