Maths is a fickle world. Stay à la mode with our guide to the latest trends.
HOT Darts
Is this the world’s most mathematical sport? Lightning-fast arithmetic, probabilistic analysis and complex trajectories. You can’t beat a bit of bully!

Bully doll original image: Humor Blog, CC BY 2.0
NOT Projectile motion problems
Forget SUVAT—turns out all we need to solve mechanics problems is an omelette and doner kebab.

HOT AI generated content
‘The Unknown’ is a villain for the ages. We tried to get ChatGPT to write this column, but it was too good.

Dumaker, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
NOT Trusting AI content
Ask ChatGPT about Chalkdust for some fabricated lore.

HOT Getting mathematical opinions from podcasts
Gary Lineker currently recruiting one centrist pure mathematician and one centrist applied mathematician for another guaranteed hit.
NOT Reading papers to form opinions
I can’t do that on my journey to work.

HOT Using spreadsheets to log your favourite TV show
Be it House of Games prizes or Death in Paradise murder weapons, public spreadsheets have the data.
NOT Using spreadsheets to rank your first dates
No one wants to know they’re row 301, mate.

HOT The new Dear Dirichlet mug!

HOT Finding an infinite game of beggar my neighbour
Another mathematical win for independent researchers!
NOT Spending an infinite amount of time playing beggar my neighbour
Great Expectations would have been much less interesting.

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