Maths is a fickle world. Stay à la mode with our guide to the latest trends.

HOT Mathematical crochet
Hyperbolic surfaces! Klein bottles! Impress fellow passengers with your DIY manifolds!
[Picture: Flickr user Pandaeskimo, CC BY-NC 3.0]
NOT Paper Möbius strips
As Dirichlet says, Möbius strips should be band.
HOT Dirichlet’s counting problem
Still unsolved since Issue 03.
NOT Fermat’s Last Theorem
More like Fermat’s Worst Theorem. We get it: Wiles solved it… in 1995! Next!
[Picture: Klaus Barner, CC BY-SA 3.0]

HOT Comic books about maths
Who wouldn’t want to look at drawings of Hilbert, Feynman, Lovelace & Babbage with speech bubbles?
[Picture: Tom Hockenhall]
NOT Films about maths
Oh look, the socially awkward man with wild hair has locked himself away to draw on windows… SEEN IT!

HOT Gravitational waves
1916: predicted; 2016: discovered. Einstein: always right.
[Picture: Alejandro Mos Riera, CC BY-SA 3.0]
NOT Katrina and the Waves
How do you even walk on sunshine? Light has no mass… or does it??

HOT GeoGebra
Is there a new teacher who doesn’t ❤️ this? Plot away with this free software for all platforms.
[Picture: by permission]
NOT Autograph
Autograph repair, Autograph REPLACED.
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