It’s the twenties and it is time for the Chalkdust Magazine Book of the Year award. One maths book that was published in 2021 will be joining Kit Yates’s The Maths of Life and Death and Eugenia Cheng & Aleksandra Artymowska’s Molly and the Mathematical Mystery by receiving this prestigious award.
Additionally, you—our readers—can vote for your favourite book on the shortlist.

The 2021 shortlist
- How To Think About Abstract Algebra by Lara Alcock
- Math Without Numbers by Milo Beckman
- Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths by Maisie Chan
- How to Read Numbers by Tom Chivers & David Chivers
- Weirdest Maths by David Darling and Agnijo Banerjee
- Maths Tricks to Blow Your Mind by Kyle D Evans
- At Sixes and Sevens by Rachel Riley
These books are all very good, but we can only pick one winner of the prize. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be posting reviews of each of these books, including notes relating to our four judging criteria—style, control, damage, and aggression.
Lines are now open for you to vote for your favourite book on the shortlist. Voting closes on Saturday 16 April 2022.
The winner of the Chalkdust Magazine Book of the Year 2021, plus the winner of our readers’ vote, will be announced in issue 15.