Chalkdust dissertation prize

Calling all final-year students!


Calling all final-year students!

Did you do some cool maths in your dissertation? Reckon Chalkdust readers would enjoy hearing about it? We want to publish it!

We’re launching the first ever Chalkdust dissertation prize, and YOU could get your work published as a Chalkdust article.

To enter, just write up a summary of the maths you did and why you think it’s interesting. Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Your summary should be about three pages, when it’s typed as a standard LaTeX document.
  • It should explain some maths from your dissertation that you think is interesting, and that other people will enjoy learning about.
  • The maths should be at about the right level to stretch a keen sixth-former or first-year student; remember you’re an expert in your topic, but the rest of us aren’t!
  • Make sure it tells a story. The best Chalkdust articles have a hook at the start to get readers interested, and build towards a punchline at the end.
  • Jokes, pictures, and funny title suggestions are all great, but we can also help you to add them in. Especially for pictures, if you have ideas but can’t quite make them happen a description is just as good for now!

The winner will be featured on the website, and the winning article will be published in an upcoming issue of Chalkdust. We’ll also throw in a stylish T-shirt (designed by us!), and bragging rights forever.

This competition is open to final-year students from UK universities. If that’s not you, or you want to write an article about some maths that’s not in your dissertation, never fear! We’ll open our wider call for articles in the next couple of weeks.

Send in your summary to by 1 July 2024 to be in with a chance of winning! If you’ve got questions about the competition, you can email the same address, or DM us at @chalkdustmag.

Clare (like gare) is a Chalkdust editor. In her spare time, she’s an assistant professor at Durham University. She likes Skittles, probability, and making the magazine look more like Cosmo.

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