Love Triangle

We review the fifth of this year’s nominees for Book of the Year


Matt Parker is a stand-up mathematician, YouTuber and all-round maths lover. You can read more about him in our interview with him that appeared in issue 09. His latest book, Love Triangle (Waterstones, Blackwell’s, Maths Gear (signed)), is all about triangles and the magic of trigonometry.




An interesting and enjoyable book based around triangles. It is a light-hearted narrative teaching you about everything from shapes to GPS to waves.


Who knew there were so many things to say about triangles?! It is amazing to see how many things come from or can be related back to triangles. Despite triangles being one of the most basic shapes, I was truly inspired by them by the end of the book.


I haven’t seen another book dedicated to triangles. The ideas in the book are well explained and motivated. Whilst there are a lot of facts inside this book, the comical and chatty nature of the writing means that it is not overwhelming.


There are many things to like about this book, whether you are interested in maths or not – however it may take you a while to figure out the page numbers and index. After reading this, I did put Matt’s other books at the top of my “to read next” pile!


You can vote for your favourite book on the Book of the Year shortlist below. The winning book will be crowned the Chalkdust Readers’ Choice. Voting closes at midday (GMT) on Wednesday 26 February 2024.

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