And the wooden spoon goes to… us. Again.
We spend a lot of time trying to make each issue of Chalkdust perfect. But we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t make the odd error. Here’s our pick of the cock ups.
Do you have any more errata? Get in touch @chalkdustmag.
Issue 01
A rare spot as it was fixed in the second printing of our first issue, a mix up of Einstein’s famous equations in an otherwise (inter)stellar article:

A tale of two Einstein equations: that $c^2$ should be $c^4$, unless we were using $c$ to represent the square of the speed of light…
Issue 02
A howler on the cover: did you see this?
Did you have a go at our Issue 02 crossnumber? It’s still available to play, and we’ve fixed this little mistake:
One of our favourite functions was the Weierstrass function: continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere (basically very spiky). But did you spot that there’s a typo in the definition?
Issue 03
Welcome to Issue 03! Here’s a lovely pixelly picture of our interviewee, Ian Stewart.
You might have been distracted by this extraneous space in our Page 3 model:
Issue 04
In our article on the Buckingham pi theorem, we made this explosive error:
Issue 05
Our history column, Roots, is written by the brilliant Emma Bell. But let’s hope you don’t need to get in touch with her!
Fermat would have four fits about this incorrectly labelled diagram:
Next issue, Top 10 basic geometric errors:
Issue 06
Electromagnetic Field is hot, but it is not spelled like that.

According to issue 06’s Top ten geometry instruments, a theolodite (sic) is a surveyors (sic) favourite tool.

That should of course say “theodolite” and “surveyor’s”
Issue 08
In Colin Beveridge’s article about Truchet tiles, we made a extremely silly grammatical error.

A easy mistake to make