“A blackboard, for a mathematician, is an unrivalled way to communicate” – Cédric Villani, Fields Medallist 2010
▲ Blackboards
The mathematical equivalent of a Little Black Dress. Blackboards will never go out of style.
▼ E-learning systems
In the immortal words of the Black Eyed Peas, interactive whiteboards are so two thousand and late.
▲ Pi approximation day
Because everyone knows that 22/7 is a better approximation to π than 3.14.
▼ Pi day
The American date format is totally illogical. Plus, pi day is too mainstream now.

Stop smiling, Fibonacci, you are so boring. And Fibonacci isn’t even your name, for crying out loud.
▲ Iccanobif numbers
$x_0=1$, $x_1=1$, $x_{n+1}=\operatorname{reverse}(x_n)+\operatorname{reverse}(x_{n-1})$. I’ll let you work out its amazing properties for yourself.
▼ Fibonnaci numbers
Rabbits, golden ratio, spirals, sunflowers, blah blah blah. We’ve heard it all before!
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