▲ Blackboards
The mathematical equivalent of a Little Black Dress. Blackboards will never go out of style.
▼ E-learning systems
In the immortal words of the Black Eyed Peas, interactive whiteboards are so two thousand and late.
▲ Pi approximation day
Because everyone knows that 22/7 is a better approximation to π than 3.14.
▼ Pi day
The American date format is totally illogical. Plus, pi day is too mainstream now.
▲ Iccanobif numbers
$x_0=1$, $x_1=1$, $x_{n+1}=\operatorname{reverse}(x_n)+\operatorname{reverse}(x_{n-1})$. I’ll let you work out its amazing properties for yourself.
▼ Fibonnaci numbers
Rabbits, golden ratio, spirals, sunflowers, blah blah blah. We’ve heard it all before!
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