Maths is a fickle world. Stay à la mode with our guide to the latest trends.

HOT Maths memes
Even better if they’re royalty-free images, because it’s not cool to steal other folks’ cartoon-based work

NOT Twitter
Used to be full of fun maths; now full of people declaring the end of the world. Sad!
HOT Schrödinger’s cat
NOT Schrödinger’s cat

HOT Psephology
It definitely gets our vote. Stats can totally help with elections and referenda
NOT Getting it wrong
2016 whoops…
HOT Upsilon
Rising star of the Greek alphabet (apart from *) and its capital looks like a diving whale
NOT Lowercase V
Not even its own letter vntil 1386

HOT Pont Saint-Bénézet
Satisfies the Euler characteristic despite being old and unfinis—
[Picture: Chiugoran, CC BY-SA 3.0]
NOT Bridges of Königsberg
So many better ways of drawing a house these days

HOT Dodecagons
Because solids of constant width aren’t edgy enough
[Picture: Royal Mint under their fair use licence]
NOT Solids of constant width
Roll over, 20p and 50p (while preserving your width), there’s a new quid on the block!
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