Maths is a fickle world. Stay à la mode with our guide to the latest trends.
HOT The 10-issue challenge
We challenge you to write an article for issue 10 of Chalkdust.
NOT The 10-year challenge
What’s so special about base 10 anyway?

HOT Conferences in exotic places
A two-week conference on the isle of Saint Marie? Yes please!

NOT Conferences in Milton Keynes
How about a week in MK? Not in the slightest, Florence.

NOT A new largest prime number
As Brenda from Bristol brilliantly put it: “You’re joking—not another one!”
HOT A new largest compound number
You could fill a warehouse with people looking for a new largest composite number and call it a factory.

HOT Puzzles on Twitter
Twitter is full of excellent puzzles thanks to
@CShearer41, @solvemymaths, panlepan, puzzlecritic and others.
NOT Puzzles on Facebook
No one cares that only a genius can do BIDMAS.

HOT Top ten
NOT What’s hot and what’s not

- Agree? Disagree? Let us know on Twitter @chalkdustmag, at or at