Maths is a fickle world. Stay à la mode with our guide to the latest trends.
HOT Issue 10
We’re so excited about releasing issue 10!
NOT Issue 3628800
Wait another 1.8 million years for this one? No thanks.

HOT Lean
See this article.
NOT Manually proving theorems

NOT Disliking the food in the university canteen
HOT Proroguing the canteen to take back control of the menu

HOT Recycling jokes from issue 06
Writing new content is hard.
NOT Sudoku
They’re all exactly the same. I say Su-no-ku.
No one cares that only a genius can do BIDMAS.

HOT Really big triangles
Bonus points if they’re scalene.
NOT Really big numbers
Shut up, Graham.

- Agree? Disagree? Let us know on Twitter @chalkdustmag, at or at